People also ask
What is the best website to check used car value?
The Kelley Blue Book ® Price Advisor shows you what you should pay for a new or used car based on what others have paid in your area.
Which is more accurate Kelley Blue Book or Edmunds?
Many experts believe Edmunds' values are more accurate than KBB's. That's not always the case, of course, which is why getting several estimates and averaging still makes the most sense.
How do I find the exact value of my car?
To find the value of your car, you can use pricing guides like Edmunds or Kelley Blue Book which can give you an estimate of your car's value based on its age, mileage and other conditions and features.
Is Edmonds owned by Carmax?
The company is headquartered in Santa Monica, California, and maintains an office in downtown Detroit, Michigan. After making a minority investment, Carmax purchased the whole company at an enterprise value of $404 million in 2021.
Edmund's publishes an automobile price guide in books (600,000 units per year) and over the Internet (16,000 users a day and growing). Inc. (stylized as edmunds) is an American online resource for automotive inventory and information, including expert car reviews based on ...
Compare car values and prices between Edmunds and Kelley Blue Book. Learn more about the different pricing models, and discover why Kelley Blue Book is the ...