
Learn to pronounce hon·es·ty

  1. the quality of being honest.
    "they spoke with convincing honesty about their fears"
    synonyms: moral correctness, uprightness, honorableness, honor, integrity, morals, morality, ethics, principle, (high) principles, nobility, righteousness, rectitude, right-mindedness, upstandingness, virtue, goodness, probity, worthiness, high-mindedness, justness, fairness, incorruptibility, truthfulness, truth, veracity, trustworthiness, reliability, conscientiousness, scrupulousness, reputability, dependability, loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, sincerity, candor, frankness, directness, forthrightness, openness, straightforwardness, plainness, genuineness, bluntness, outspokenness
  2. a European plant with purple or white flowers and round, flat, translucent seedpods that are used for indoor flower arrangements.

People also ask
honesty, honor, integrity, probity mean uprightness of character or action. honesty implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way.


Honesty or truthfulness is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Honesty also involves being... Wikipedia
Honesty from en.wikipedia.org
Honesty or truthfulness is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness ...
Honesty from www.unodc.org
The Science of Honesty. What is Honesty? Honesty, speaking and acting truthfully, is more than not lying, deceiving, stealing, or cheating.
Honesty from www.viacharacter.org
When you are honest, you speak the truth. More broadly, you present yourself in a genuine and sincere way, without pretense, and taking responsibility for ...