
Learn to pronounce ur·ban·i·za·tion

the process of making an area more urban.
"he saw nature being destroyed by urbanization"

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Urbanization is the population shift from rural to urban areas, the corresponding decrease in the proportion of people living in rural areas, and the ways in which societies adapt to this change. It can also mean population growth in urban areas... Wikipedia
Urbanization from education.nationalgeographic.org
Oct 19, 2023 · Urbanization is the process through which cities grow, and higher and higher percentages of the population come to live in the city.
Urbanization from en.wikipedia.org
Urbanization is the population shift from rural to urban areas, the corresponding decrease in the proportion of people living in rural areas, and the ways ...
Urbanization from www.britannica.com
May 10, 2024 · Urbanization, the process by which large numbers of people become permanently concentrated in relatively small areas, forming cities.
Urbanization from ourworldindata.org
More than half of the world's population now live in urban areas — increasingly in highly dense cities. However, urban settings are a relatively new phenomenon ...
Urbanization from ugc.berkeley.edu
Urbanization is the transformation of unoccupied or sparsely occupied land into densely occupied cities. Urban areas can grow from increases in human ...
The new demand for workers spurred a massive influx of job-seekers from both rural areas of the United States and from eastern and southern Europe. Urban ...
The world is undergoing the largest wave of urban growth in history. More than half of the world's population now lives in towns and cities,
The distribution and sale of perishable goods such as meat, milk, fish, and vegetables was transformed by the emergence of the railways, giving rise not only to ...
Urbanization from education.nationalgeographic.org
Urbanization is the process through which cities grow, and higher and higher percentages of the population come to live in the city.
Urbanization from www.epa.gov
Feb 29, 2024 · Urbanization refers to the concentration of human populations into discrete areas. This concentration leads to the transformation of land for ...