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How to use tab complete?
Simply hit the tab key while you are typing a command, and the shell will automatically finish the command for you. Or, if it is ambiguous, it will provide options (you might have to type tab again).
Which of the following options is used to complete the command when you type a part of it?
To prompt command completion, you partially enter in a command and press the completion key, which is typically Tab in most shells. The following examples show different ways that you can use command completion: Partially enter a command and press Tab to display a suggested list of commands.
What is bash completion?
Bash completion is a functionality through which Bash helps users type their commands more quickly and easily. It does this by presenting possible options when users press the Tab key while typing a command. $ git<tab><tab> git git-receive-pack git-upload-archive gitk git-shell git-upload-pack $ git-s<tab> $ git-shell.
Which command must be run after you unzip the AWS CLI folder to finish installing the AWS CLI?
Run the install program. The installation command uses a file named install in the newly unzipped aws directory. By default, the files are all installed to /usr/local/aws-cli , and a symbolic link is created in /usr/local/bin . The command includes sudo to grant write permissions to those directories.
The following examples show different ways that you can use command completion: Partially enter a command and press Tab to display a suggested list of commands.
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Aug 22, 2016 · The following describes how to setup autocompletion for a system using bash and installed via pip, yum, or Homebrew. Locate the auto completer ...
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Apr 29, 2016 · To run command completion: Run bashcompinit by adding the following autoload line at the end of your ~/.zshrc profile script.